6 Ways to Keep Your Baby Active

If your baby is active, they are happy, and they are more likely to continue to stay active as they grow and change, but how exactly do you keep your baby active?

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Invest in active toys

Babies love toys, so one of the best ways to keep them active is to choose toys that require them to move around more. When they are very young, things like baby gyms from Venicci and toys that squeak or play music are ideal for getting them moving. As they get older, playmats, rattles, pop up toys and stacking or spinning games are ideal. Once they reach the toddler stage, you’re going to want to look at ride on or pull-along toys and games.

Make them comfortable

If babies don’t have the freedom and comfort to move around, then they are less likely to do so, which means you should choose clothing that is comfortable and as unrestricted as possible. If you aren’t using cloth nappies, then try to choose a nappy product that has double leg elastics and a waistband that is stretchy, so movement is not restricted.

Organise playdates

Yes, even babies can have playdates. Not only are they great for teaching them socialization skills at a young age, but when your baby is around other babies of a similar age, they will naturally want to engage with each other, and this will keep them active while being cuter than just about anything else you’ve ever seen.

Play music

Fire up your best baby music playlist and start dancing with your baby. Babies naturally love music, and they can’t help but move along with it in whatever way is possible for them, They’ll have so much fun trying to copy your dance moves, and you’ll have just as much fun witnessing the cuteness that you have brought into the world. It’s a win-win situation.

Play peek-a-boo

Peek-a-boo and other gams like patty cake may not seem particularly active to you, but you are a grown adult, and for a baby, they are providing far more activity and stimulation, which is why they are great for playing with really young babies as often as you can.

Visit the park

If you te lucky enough to have a local playpark that is suitable for babies and young children visit often and help your baby to enjoy the equipment, whether it’s pushing them on the swings or sitting them on your knee on the see-saw. Start as you mean to go on – as an active family and your lives will be so much happier and healthier.

Depedsingin on their age, babies may not be able to move around a whole lot, but they can move, even if that is just clapping th3ir hands or rolling around on the floor, so do whatever you cab to enc courage them, and not only will they be more stimulated, and more likely to sleep better at night, but they will also learn about the joys of being active from a young age.

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