Helping Your Child Learn a Second Language

When learning a new language it can be incredibly valuable for your child to open their mind to new cultures, skills and levels of memory. It’s an incredibly engaging way of learning and has a whole heap of benefits for children, especially when they begin to learn these skills from a very early age.

We take a look at the ways you can help your child with the help of this girls nursery in Surrey. With these tips, you can see your child soar with their new found skills from learning a new language.

Learn alongside them

It’s easier to do so if you live in a bilingual home, but helping your child by giving them some motivation by learning the same language they’re learning too. It can continually motivate your child – and it can also give you and your child an opportunity to go over the same homework and assignments together, helping each other with your goals.

Use various forms of media

It’s great to include multiple ways to practice their new found language. Children’s TV programmes, sing-a-long exercises and films are ways to give your child some practice in the terms they’re learning. They may also pick up a lot of other phrases and sentences in the process that they can use in lessons or homework.

Schedule revision sessions

Try to keep these sessions short but in sharp bursts. That way, children don’t forget what they’ve learnt straight away and can try to remember things quicker. Learning a language can be difficult at first, but constant reinforcement will help your child remember the most important terms.

Test them on holiday

And the biggest test to the brain is visiting the country where the language they’re learning is spoken. Give them opportunities to try it out, such as in a restaurant or in a shop, but don’t pressure them too hard in social situations – it can be daunting for them!

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