My Little Chef: Courgette, Sweetcorn and Cheese Bread

This week I headed to Doha’s Wholesale Market with some friends, the place to go and buy your fruit and vegetables in bulk.  And bought in bulk we did, fresh strawberries, bananas, potatoes, oranges.  You name it we found it.

all the fruit and veg
All our spoils!

Including what seemed like a thousand courgettes, zucchinis if you will, beautiful fresh courgettes.  With a husband and children who shun all things green, especially courgettes I wasn’t sure what I would make with these thousand courgettes.  So I did what every sane person who was in possession of an abudance of courgettes would do.  Turned to Pinterest and Google searching “Courgette Recipes” then “Zucchini Recipes” and finally “what do you do with a million courgettes” when I stumbled across a  beautiful zucchini, corn and cheese bread recipe.  With a little bit of a tweak as to what I have in my cupboards I grabbed the 4 year old and we set off on making the bread for his school lunchbox.

And what a bread, moist, herby and packed full of vitamin filled veggies with the corn and the courgette.  Best of all is both the 4 year old and the 19 month old love it and have been scoffing the lot, the perfect school snack filler.  If I’m honest I’ve eaten more than the boys it is just moreish!

Courgette, Sweetcorn and Cheese Bread – in pictures

grated courgette, grated zucchini grated courgette, grated zucchini, grated cheese, sweetcorn Stir ingredients together raw zucchini, sweetcorn and cheese bread courgette, sweetcorn and cheese bread courgette, sweetcorn and cheese bread sliced

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My Little Chef: Courgette, Sweetcorn and Cheese Bread
courgette, sweetcorn and cheese bread sliced
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45-50 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45-50 minutes
courgette, sweetcorn and cheese bread sliced
  1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees
  2. Grease and flour a 1lb loaf pan
  3. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, corn, courgette, herbs, cheese)
  4. In a separate bowl mix the milk, melted butter and beaten eggs together
  5. Pour the wet into the dry and mix thoroughly to combine
  6. Pour into the loaf pan and bake for 45-50 minutes until crust is golden and springs back to the touch
  7. Cool and slice
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Courgette Sweetcorn and Cheese Bread, Zucchini cheese and sweetcorn bread


1 Comment

  1. November 23, 2016 / 8:33 am

    That was a lot of courgettes you had there!! I may give your recipe a go as an alternative to a good old sandwich for my eldest lunch box! 🙂

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