Now to be honest, I am a fairly open book, sharing intimate details like uterine ruptures and birth in general, alongside the leaky boob picture well is there really that much you don’t know about me?
Cathy from Mummy Travels thinks so – tagging me in her 11 things you don’t know about me post and setting me travel-y questions…….here are some things you might have missed from the Baby Kicks travel house.
1. What’s your most unexpected holiday essential?
I only have 2 holiday essentials; a passport and a credit card.
One to get me there and one to buy anything I’ve forgotten as my memory is lethal!
2. If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be (and why)?
London. With the husband. For a massive catch up with friends there, we have a new baby, a new pregnancy, a new house moved into, an engagement, all to celebrate. Plus we need to introduce Baby Boy to them all! I managed to introduce Baby Boy to the family having a massive barbecue when I was back in the UK but I didn’t get chance to spend much time in London bar our whistlestop tour for the Gruffalo.
The strangest thing about being an expat is when big life events happen you aren’t there in the moment and likewise when they happen to you, your friends aren’t there. My husbands best friend had a baby 5 weeks after baby boy *well his wife did* and it was fabulous that I got to meet Baby Shrimpy and introduce Baby Boy but really sad that the 2 men weren’t able to introduce their boys.
3. If you had the cash, would you splurge on flying business class or save for the destination?
Oh this is a tough one, but I’m going to say splurge on business class. I’ve flown business once and it was a complete dream. We slept most of the flight and arrived feeling fresh and raring to go. I’d love to try Emirates business class as I am told it is one of the best there is!
4. Top destination on your bucket list?
It’s been there on there a while – Peru and Machu Piccu. I love holidays where you can really explore and see incredible sites that have been standing for thousands of years. Some of my most memorable trips have been seeing Angkor Way in Cambodia (pre-children) and the majesty of Petra in Jordan (with toddler!)
5. Favourite holiday destination so far?
All of them?!
Our honeymoon to Bali was fairly incredible so I’d have to say there.
6. Tent or villa?
Villa. I am not a camper. Though I’d consider being a glamper! That looks like fun.
7. Favourite holiday reading?
Trashy chick lit. The sort of thing you can pick down and put up without having to back track to pick up the thread of the story again. Especially useful these days while having to entertain 2 small boys!
8. What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken?
I followed my (now) husband to London even though we weren’t together at that point. Left my friends, found a new job, a new house share and in the process rediscovered myself.
And in finding myself I also rediscovered my husband, we had an amazing (second) whirlwind romance filled with lots of “first” dates exploring London before moving in together. 6 months later we were engaged and expecting the toddler!
9. In a mobile blackspot, what would you most miss doing on your phone?
WhatsApp! I use it constantly to text the husband and keep in touch with friends and family back in the UK.
Theoretically the whole time I’ve been in the UK I’ve been in a mobile black spot because i never have any credit and I’m reliant on WiFi. With all the days out we’ve done I’ve been in “blackspot” all day. Probably a good thing in some respects but I’ve definitely missed the ability to keep in touch!
It’s made me think what on earth I did before phones?!
10. What superpower would you choose?
Being invisble! How cool would it be to have a really good nosey on people?
11. Best thing to come out of your blog (so far)
I’ve had some fantastic opportunities working with local businesses in Dubai such as Personalised Prints, DinnerTime and Maddy & Eva as well as the UK with days out in Twycross Zoo and National Forest Adventure Farm and working with the amazing Milk & Mummy.
From having gained more confidence with an amazing response to my Huffington Post blogging to approach bigger brands I have things in the pipeline that I am very excited about. All of this is material (which isn’t a bad thing) the best thing to come out of my blog is that I have more confidence in myself and my writing. My writing has evolved and I hope has become more enjoyable to read.
Though if any companies are reading I’d love a holiday to come from the blog 🙂
And now it’s my turn to ask the questions….
1. If you could only pick one place in the world to go on holiday too where would you pick and why?
2. How long have you been blogging and why did you start?
3. What did you want to be when you were growing up and what do you actually do?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?
5. Facebook or Twitter?
6. Sunshine or snow?
7. Your favourite children’s TV show, you know, the one you actually want to sit down and watch
8. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
9. Your top 3 dinner guests, dead or alive and what would you serve them??
10. If you met the genie from Aladdin what would your three wishes be?
11. What is the best thing to come out of your blog?
I now nominate some of the fantastic girls who are joining me on a #PositiveAboutBF adventure to answer the questions above!
Another Bun
Fit For Parenting
Run, Jump, Scrap
Monkey and Mouse
Kohl Mama
Adventures of a Novice Mum
Quite Frankly She Said
My Mummys World
OMG that intro…that’s why I love ya, nutter.
And yes I’m well aware you didn’t get much time in London ahem! Only joko.
That’s the power of writing under the influence 🙂
I’d love a mass London party. Miss the place! Whistlestop touring x