So last month my #blogstorm post was all about how I approach brands. Without a media kit.
Since then I have had a crazy post with “Dear Mummy, I’m Not Sleeping Because…” as well as rising up into the top 250 in Tots 100. Which has meant a different level in my blogging. It’s gone from me approaching all those I want to work with to being approached by brands. While being approached by Dubai brands is amazing knowing that blogging is becoming a real thing. Being approached by brands in the UK is a real minefield. They work with bloggers. They know what they need. They like a media kit.
So taking on board Mr and Mrs T Plus Three’s post on how to make a killer media kit I set about making my own. I’m not a pro blogger. As of yet I have no intentions of becoming one, it’s fairly difficult if you deal with a lot of product reviews and live in a place where the post is notoriously bad and you rely on DHL. My point here being I didn’t want to pay someone to make my media kit, no matter how reasonably priced they are. So I made my own. With the help of PowerPoint and Adobe.
I used PowerPoint to make the basis if my kit, its easy to edit. Allows use of text and images. Can be portrait or landscape. And is fairly self explanatory even to beginner users.
Then once I finished I saved as a pdf file. Simples.
My DIY Media Kit
Step One; The Layout
Choose landscape or portrait. I chose portrait mainly because I think it looks more professional and it looks like a brochure when in pdf form.
Step Two; The Background
Choose your background and make sure it fits with your brand; if you can then import your blogs background. Mine is a black and white showreel of photos on the blog and I’ve transferred it over to my media kit.
Step Three; The Header
I don’t use a header on my blog. My distinctive piece is my background. My header is plain text is the font type (Gloria Hallelujah) and colour (#01a58d) I use throughout my blog. If you have a header use it on the first page only. Otherwise keep true to your blog through your background and text choices.
Step Four; The Photos
If you’re a photo lover use them. Personalise your media kit as you would your blog. Make sure they are HD and professional images and do not detract from your content. I use an image per page to fill out the blank space and I use an image of me and the boys that is my profile image all over my social media platforms.
Step Five; The Content
The important piece. Once you’ve drawn someone in with your eye catching piece you need to wow them with your content.
But what do you put?
1. The Blogger
A little piece of your personality. Who you are, what you do. What your USP is.
2. The Blog
Describe your blog….. in as few a words as possible.
3. The Stats
Monthly views, social media followers. I will admit here as my blog stats are growing day by day I tend to put my last months stats in as my monthly views and visitors as I feel they are most relevant. In here I also put my Tots ranking as I feel its relevant to my stats.
4. The Collaborations
A list of my past collaborations all hyperlinked so if a person is viewing my media pack online they can automatically see the work I have done with others.
5. The Testimonials
A snippet of the fantastic testimonials I have been given. Not had any yet? Ask for them.
6. The Contact Details
Those all important details of how someone gets hold of you. No point having a snazzy pack without the contact details!
Step Six; The Little Touches
Really make it your own. For each text box content make sure the border matches your colour scheme. Use the fonts you use on your blog. Add a block colour bar running behind your text boxes as your snap of colour, again using your colour scheme colours.
Step Seven; Save as a PDF
Whatever you do, when you save to send out to clients make sure its saved as a pdf file with an appropriate name.
Do you have a media kit?
Thanks for sharing this is very useful. I haven’t felt the need for a media pack because I’ve not been into working with brands like that, I guess if I were to go higher like you I might consider it. I always find the mo they stats hard because I’m on blogger and I know they’re not very accurate but I don’t understand goodle analytics at all! X
I have a secret….. I have no clue about Google analytics either!
Ive only just made my media kit x
Absolutely brilliant I am so glad mine helped. Yours looks fantastic and I’m not surprised your getting even more approaches now. Thanks for the shout out! xx
Ahhh thanks Amy xx
Heyyy this is really helpful post. Loved this blogstorm series here. Very much helpful…and hey its even more nice to know you too are in UAE… I am a blogger from Abu Dhabi ☺
*waves from down in Dubai and heads over to stalk your blog*
Congrats on your Tots 100 ranking! That’s amazing. I still need to make a media kit – you have really great advice on what to include here. Yours turned out beautiful. I will keep this in mind for when I’m ready to make mine! So much to do, so little time x #BlogStorm
I was so surprised! Thank you – I am really pleased with it xx
I really need to get a media kit together. It’s something that’s always on my to do list but never gets done! Great advice on what to include, thanks. Thanks for hosting #blogstorm
It took me a while to get round to it but once I started there was no stopping me x
I really needed this. I’m completely overwhelmed by the idea of a media kit and you’ve explained it in a nutshell. Oh and I of course found you via your #blogstorm 😉
Fab Julia, I am so glad to have helped 🙂
Thank you so much for this tip. It helps a lot to have an idea of what you should be adding to it. This is on my to do list although I think it is too early for me (just 3 months blogging) but if things start picking up like yours I would definitely use yours and Amy’s as my guide. Thanks for sharing and for hosting #blogstorm. I’ve just found it and I’m loving it!! 🙂 xx
I haven’t been going that long! Glad you’re loving #blogstorm x
Your media kit looks lovely! I have a very basic one, which I really need to find the time to update!
Stevie x #Blogstorm
Thanks Stevie!
Your media kit looks great, and using PowerPoint is a great tip. It’s on my list of things to do, but not a priority just yet as there’s so much else I need to do first. Very useful post though; I especially like the tips about making sure it fits with the design of the blog itself. Really helpful. #blogstorm
Thanks Alison – I didn’t realise how important Branding actually was until recently.
I’m glad I stumbled across this! I really did find it useful reading, having just started thinking about my own! I hadn’t a clue where to start, but I do now! X
You’re welcome! I love reading bloggy posts!
Wow, this is exactly what I was looking for and bumped on your page Laura! 🙂
Fantastic post, Thanks for help! Loved your media kit!
Thanks Amruta! Glad I helped x