You can read what we got up to last month here.
My littlest man is FIVE months old. We’ve been a family of four for five whole months. Actually 5 months and about 5 days but hey I’ve been on holiday. Cheekier than ever and definitely developing his own personality. I couldn’t wish for a more chilled out baby, except for those occasions where he decides he doesn’t like something and then we know about it. Like the car seat. We have a mass hatred of the car seat. Not sure what the seat has done to him but still he hates it.
Five months means so much learning going on in that little head but more than that it means a month away from weaning! And five months means I am also very nearly the owner of a three year old. I am so not ready for the threenager years.
The past month has been a funny old one, with holidays left right and centre which has meant a topsy turvy routine.
The Toddler Terror
As I said, is coming up three. My baby. Three. Some of his little friends have started school this year, him being one of the eldest in the year has put off that mummy trauma for another year.
As we’ve been on holiday we are still not back at nursery and it’s showing. I miss the routine. The energy sapping running round. The socialising with friends. The offering of activities that I just wouldn’t think to do with him. He’s beginning to get a little bored with my offerings and I’m beginning to get a little bit repetitive with what I do offer. On top of that while we have been in Dubai we are still at oven temperatures so have been limited to soft play, though it’s getting cooler now so pool time will be coming back especially after all our holiday pool time.
The Toddler isn’t great in the water, he’s very cautious and needs his feet on the floor. Something which we started to overcome with swimming lessons before Baby Boy arrived but let fall to the wayside. A week in Thailand and a week in Portugal with plenty of pool time has started to increase his confidence again. And while he needs a ring on he surprised (and terrified) both of us by “monkey hands” around the pool one day. Without the ring.
And having built my confidence with having both of them in the water with the husband I am now ready to take both of them on my own!
Plus we have a gym membership that offers access to 3 pools, one of which has a baby water slide. Hours of fun!
Toddler Sayings This Month
Baby Tuna
You go pay for it
– spoilt much??
You need to go to thinking time
– guess what our discipline technique is??
You made me cry
– after he’s told he’s made the baby cry
You make snake on the fire
– you made steak on the barbecue
We are starting to discipline using thinking time. In theory this is great. In reality we need to hone the technique. The problem is that he wants to send everyone to thinking time for making him cry. Even if he’s not crying.
Baby Boy
Is rolling!!!!!! Life will no longer be the same it’s only a matter of time before he realises that he can get around by rolling like his big brother did before him.
Those pesky teeth are pretty much there, the amount of dribble we have is unreal but being kept at bay with bibs, hopefully by next update he will have them. But then again I’ve been convinced for months that he will have them when I wake in the morning.
We have a loose routine I guess. Kind of. Maybe. Ok not at all! He naps roughly 3 times a day and doesn’t like to sleep past midnight on his own. That is when the hourly wake ups start and I am trying to savour the sleepy cuddles but to be honest at the minute I’d just savour the sleepy! Still maybe when his teeth are through??
As the Toddler goes back to nursery today we have four mornings on our own that I want to fill with meeting new people and a class or 2 for the little guy. The Toddler got to do a variety of things and I want the baby to have the same opportunities. Second child guilt and all that.
The Husband and I
Have been on two holidays and managed two date night’s! The first in Thailand at the hotel and the second at home at my mums in the local Indian. It’s tradition for us to head to the Raj every time we are in Derby and has been for the past 8 years. Even though they’ve had to move from their original site to make way for the third Co-Op in a one mile radius it’s still walking distance and the food is still amongst the best British Indian I’ve ever eaten. Maybe one day I will branch out but I ordered my usual once again:
Prawn Puri
Chicken Korma
Plain Naan
Pilau Rice (to share)
Well if you can’t beat it??
I’ve also been interviewing, which would have changed our plans a little bit had I got the job, as it turns out they decided to go with the other candidate. Whilst I am disappointed with this, I’d spent my first pay in my head, I am feeling positive and trying to look on the bright side. I got down to the final stages, it was a case of experience won out. I get to spend more time with Baby Boy on a one on one basis. And maybe, it just wasn’t the right time. Fate and all that jazz. These things happen for a reason so maybe I should just watch this space. Last time I didn’t get a job I got Baby Boy instead.
I’ve also started my #MilesForMAMA challenge to run 500km by July 13th. I haven’t started particularly strong but the weather and the holiday is my excuse – now we are back myself and the husband are getting ready to seriously run. We find out shortly whether the husband actually got a place in the London Marathon ballot in his 6th year of trying and we are arranging a couple of half marathons for him to run. If he doesn’t get a marathon place then his aim is to beat his personal best half time.
Other than that we are feeling slightly gluttonous from the holiday. While the husband is headed for a Forever Living Clean 9 detox I can’t as I’m breastfeeding, so I’m just going to eat healthily. Meal plan meticulously. And try out the shrinking violet home body wrap which is said to make you lose inches from problem areas. I’m hoping for goodbye mum tum!
That’s it for now – see you next month!
I found it went so much quicker with my second. He was 18months on the weekend and I’m not really sure how it happened! On the job front, I’m a firm believer that when one door closes another opens. x #maternitymondays
Hey Laura, what a fun few weeks you’re been enjoying. I love how you have to escape the heat in Dubai rather than go in search of it. Sorry about the job but you are right, everything happens for a reason, and it means you get more time to spend with your little ones! xx
Thanks Elizabeth! You’re right for every door that closes another opens x
Did I not congratulate you on the birth yesterday? Five months??
What a lovely update. We are beyond dribbles at the moment. You only have to hold him for a minute and you get an attractive wet patch wherever he had decided to suck.
Hope you get back to some routine normality soon but as I’ve found, that has it’s own drawbacks.
Thanks for linking up lovely #MaternityMondays
I know how fast is time going? I can’t believe how big farm boy is already! X
Wow what a busy month you have had. I can’t believe that your baby is five months old already – where has that time gone?! I hope you start getting some more sleep soon and those teeth come through soon too. Your toddler doing monkey hands on his own without the ring must have been quite a scary moment although good to see that he is becoming more confident in the water and good luck with managing both your boys on your own. I love your toddler’s latest sayings – “baby tuna” is my favourite although “putting a snake on the fire” and telling you that “you need to go to thinking time” made me chuckle too. Thank you for linking up to #ftmob 🙂
I know it feels like only last week I announced he was in fact a he! I hope I sleep soon I’m an accidental co sleeper while it’s lovely that he likes to rest his hand on my arm the bed isn’t big enough!!
My favourite is snake 🙂
Sounds like a busy month! I’m impressed you’re brave enough to take both kids swimming alone! I have a 1 year old and a two year old & I’m not remotely brave enough! Love the ‘baby tuna’! Haven’t dared let my 2 year old know they exist. She is already obsessed with coffee shops even when she’s just watching me have a drink – I dread to think what would happen if she knew they do have drinks for her! #ftmob
The Baby Tuna makes it possible for me to go into a coffee shop and sip hot coffee (until the baby kicks off of course!)xx