The first week in August marks World Breastfeeding Week, if you’d have asked me last August if I would still be breastfeeding for World Breastfeeding Week 2016 I would have laughed and said of course not. Except it didn’t turn out that way and here I am 16 months down the line still breastfeeding the Baby. Which means that the bras I first bought back in 2012 when I was feeding the Big One were becoming increasingly tatty, holey and that lovely shade of milk stain yellow. Which is why I was delighted to be asked to review a beautiful Bravado Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra. In PINK!
A pink bra, I was delighted. My black bras all seem to fade to that wishy washy browny black and my white ones of the yellow staining mentioned above from milk leaking (niiiiiice…..) but pink. Well pink is my favourite colour and this marbled pink Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra from Bravado is just the right shade of light pink to get away wearing under light coloured clothes without having the flashing beacon that YOU CAN SEE MY BRA going off above my head.
So one pretty coloured bra, but colour is only one small part of a bra. What really counts is wearability, how comfy it is and most importantly whether it fulfills its duty as an over-the-shoulder-boulder holder by hoiking my boobs back up to where they used to be before I even contemplated having babies, let alone breastfeeding them. Of course, there is also the question of easy access for one demanding 16 month old who doesn’t like to wait and really lets that be known…so how does the Bravado Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra stand up?
When my bra arrived, in size medium (a helpful sizing guide can be found on the website when ordering) I couldn’t wait to ditch my old bra and try it out. With slightly thicker straps than a normal bra leading to greater support it did mean I needed to be selective with what tops I wore the bra with. Spaghetti straps were out unless I wanted to flash the pretty pink of the bra, similar with square cut tops for showing a bit of pink. Personally, all of my clothes are less spaghetti strap, more thick tank top so the straps being thicker isn’t an issue for me. What normally is an issue is for me is the outline of a bra under my clothes, being seamless this isn’t an issue with the Bravado Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra, being seamless and all that. And having lived at my mums for the past few months my tops are getting tighter but at least you can’t tell the outline of my bra! So big tick for suitability with my wardrobe. Not only that but you can change the straps to an criss cross position, ideal for if you are using the bra underneath a yoga top which tend to be pretty like that.
The bra comes complete with moulded, padded inserts that are both comfortable, hide any massive nipple situation you might have going on and act as a little sponge for any accidental leakage that may occur.
Next up comfort; you know you have some bras that you are itching to take off, to set yourself free if you will, as soon as you put it on. Which isn’t always great, as you may know when breastfeeding your breasts may fluctuate in size, sometimes you need the extra support through the night. I certainly do. Especially if I’ve taken some time away because, this still happens….
I need a bra that is comfortable enough to sleep in when I feel like this. The yoga bra is just that. I’m not clawing at my back to take it off and throw it over my head at bedtime, I’m happy to leave it on when I need too. Not only that but with Silverbreeze™ technology an ‘anti-microbial’ finish which helps to eliminate and inhibit the growth of bacteria, reduces mould and mildew which can cause odours, embedded into the fabric I also felt hygienic and clean enough to wear for the extended periods of time while sleeping.
Hoiking Ability
Yes, the bra hoikes the girls back into a position that they used to be in sometime back in 2011, so that has to be a big tick.
Meeting the demands of my tiny dictator…
A discreet clip, as standard with most nursing bras, in the same shell pink as the rest of the bra that is easy to flick open. A partial or a full drop down of the cup depending on how your very own dictator likes to nurse, at the moment mine is in a get me the nipple as fast as you can kind of nursing so I no longer need to drop the cup to allow for full access as he did when he was smaller. Except for those middle of the night feeds where he needs full comfort to help him drift back off to the land of nod. All the while not digging into me or feeling uncomfortable while feeding.
In Summary
This is one of the most comfortable, nursing bras I have ever had the privilege of wearing. Retailing at £34 it’s up there with the higher quality bras and the comfort level factor shows. Bravado have gone above and beyond to think about what is important to the breastfeeding mum and delivered in every sense.
Disclosure – I received a Bravado Body Silk Seamless Yoga Nursing Bra for the purposes of this review, all opinions and wonky boobs are my own
Your massive left boob photo still cracks me up! This bra sounds so lovely and comfy x
This looks great! I am still feeding my two year old albeit irregularly – most evenings before bed but that’s it these days. But luckily I can get away with a normal bra now, I was just the same as you, still wearing the same maternity bras I’d had for four years since having the eldest 😉 I would definitely have jumped at the chance of having one as comfortable as this too, especially as it’s padded – that’s important!
I LOVED my bravado nursing bra I must admit! (I still wear it for sleeping sometimes!)
Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x
I have this body silk seamless bra too, and it is SO comfortable – by far my favourite. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested