Christmas, it’s my favourite holiday, but what about Christmas around the World?
For many of us Christmas is just a given. It happens, everyone gets excited, you eat too many mince pies and then it’s over.
For me it was about the turkey, the pigs in blanket, Santa, and Quality Street chocolates in a tin that gets smaller and smaller every year. Those things scream Christmas at me.
But the same isn’t true around the world. Those of us that celebrate Christmas do it a little differently, which is wonderful, I love that different cultures have their own twist on the same holiday. After all wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same?
A few different traditions
In Japan, forget about the Christmas Eve box, the snowman soup, the reindeer food. Christmas Eve in Japan is all about eating KFC.
In the Philippines Christmas starts formally on the 16th of December with the start of the early morning masses known as Simbang Gabi.
Presents arrive on the 5th December in Holland when Sinterklaas and Black Peter deliver them to the children.
In Italy meat is avoided on Christmas Eve with a feast of seven fishes instead.
Poor old Rudolph needs to watch out in Iceland where it’s not uncommon to eat roasted reindeer….
In New York you will find a mass Santa conference happening as New Yorkers gather to spread Christmas cheer.
In the Ukraine and Poland when you open your presents is determined by the stars, with the youngest child watching for the appearance of the very first evening star.
And of course, you have those down under “throwing another shrimp on the barbie….”
Merry Christmas
Or Joyeux Noel!
Or Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Or hyvää joulua!
Or vrolijk kerstfeest!
Or Nollaig Shona!
Or счастливого Рождества!
Or メリークリスマス!
Or Feliz Navidad!
Or Feliz Natal!
Wherever you are in the world, whatever your traditions are, however you say Merry Christmas – make sure that this year you have a good one!

*this is a collaborative post
I love this Laura – I always try to explain to the boys about different traditions at Christmas time, how some people do things one way and some another. Love it! H x
I should really write an expat Christmas post! I love the different traditions it’s fascinating!x