“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Kahlil Gibran
This year I am taking part in Living Arrows, a weekly photography project taking photos of my boys week on week, last week was about our camping trip to Fuwairit Beach. This week is about birthdays!
This week was my husbands birthday, he turned the grand old age of 33, my toy boy. His best friend flew out from the UK as our visitor season gets going in full swing, and we all headed out to Brunch the day before his birthday.
You’ve not done brunch until you’ve done a Middle East brunch, it’s less sipping a mimosa eating scrambled egg more a full on food and drink extravaganza.
I digress. We didn’t take the boys with us however the next day was my husbands actual birthday. And a day where they both decided 5:30am was the PERFECT time to get up for the day. It’s definitely not when you’ve spent half the night on an air mattress hoping that the little one sleeps and changing a bed that’s now wet.
However, they knew best and we headed downstairs to watch Trolls while Mummy slowly, slowly came round…
As my eyes focussed it became apparent that we needed to do what we said we would do all along, and that was make the cake for Daddy’s birthday. You cannot have a birthday without having cake and singing after all.
So we went into the kitchen and make a cake. OK, OK, OK. We went into the kitchen and totally cheated and used a Betty Crocker cake mix complete with Betty Crocker icing mix. Minimum effort, maximum results. I say this, my cake tin actually decided to spring a leak so it was a maximum mess in my oven. Still it worked.
And you can’t have a cake and not lick the bowl now can you….