Time passes so quickly, it seems like only yesterday that this tiny, mewling newborn baby was lifted out of me. A tiny red, angry, screaming, baby who instantly calmed the moment he was passed over to me. The moment he found my breast and how to feed. That same child who was still determined to keep breastfeeding until he was ready to stop, except having to be weaned through a change in medication. That tiny boy who is very much a mummy’s boy whilst still being fiercely independent. That tiny baby is no longer a baby, but very much a toddler, very much a little boy. It is time for him to go to nursery.
Time to break out the name labels and iron them painstakingly into his clothes, stick them onto his water bottle, his lunchbox (once we’ve bought him a matching YUMBOX, just like his big brother, what one has the other wants right?) and go about sending my 2 year old to nursery for 2 mornings a week.
It’s time and I’m ready for him to go. More importantly he is ready to go. He needs more than I am offering him.

I never thought that I’d be the one willing to wave off my children to nursery. After all we have the luxury of me being a stay-at-home mum. Yet here I am for the second time, having toured nursery after nursery ready to send my *nearly* two year old away from me. Out of choice rather than necessity. You see at the moment this is a luxury that we are afforded rather than a necessity for us to do as it would be if I were going off to work a full time job. At the moment I can choose my hours to work around my children.
I am able to choose to send my youngest to an environment twice a week where I know he will thrive. One where he will learn to be away from me, to be around other adults looking after him, to socialise with children his own age.
An environment where he can get messy, paint, glue, craft, create, where it’s not me who is having to clean up after him. Somewhere he can explore freely without having boundaries put on him. Somewhere where he can go and be 2 and have fun, whilst learning. A chance for my 2 year old to discover the joy of nursery.
A place that is just his, nothing to do with his brother.
I know that it is a luxury that I am choosing to do this. I know that I have the wonderful task of only having to send him two days a week. Two mornings at that. But those are two mornings where he can have the time of his life, painting, socialising, learning, getting more than I can give him and where I get chance to work. To continue to build on my freelance work, to work on clients Facebook pages (yes, Facebook it seems can be a job to pay the bills)
And I know I will have a healthy dose of mum guilt when he does go.
But I also know that it’s the best thing for us. For me. For him. For our family.
That’s it, I’m sending my 2 year old to nursery. And he will be 2 when he goes, his place is due to begin after his birthday.
Pass me the iron, I’ve things to get labelled….
I’m sure he’ll love it. And freedom to get some work/blogging time in.
I get really surprised to see people having to justify why they’re choosing to send children to nursery. My mum sent us to nursery a few days a week even though she didn’t work. It was for exactly the same reasons, socialising skills, alternative play, independence, but they never seemed to get judged by others like so many mums do nowadays. I suppose we all went for nursery school age rather than earlier, but with so many mums doing work for themselves at home now, I’m a big believe that nursery helps children.
I think it’s really noticeable children who don’t go to nursery/preschool at all, and how hard they generally find it to settle in to school (and same for the parents). Yes, we want to spend all the time at home with them, but it does everyone good when they’re ready for it.
It’ll be fab for both of you to get some special time. He will have a ball. X
I totally understand, for you to be a better mother you need this. He will thrive there and you will be refreshed. No need to feel guilty at all!
I hear ya! Holly started preschool for one morning a week back in January, just before she turned 2 1/2 years old. She needed it, the social side to make friends her own age and not tag on to Alice’s. To have the freedom to play, get messy and be a two year old. To learn to be away from mummy. I too don’t need her to go, we choose for her to go for all the right reasons, just like you are. Holly loves it and it was the best decision we made. I’m sure he will too x
I think it’s fantastic he’s going off to nursery. It’s incredibly important in my opinion that children learn how to socialise and interact with others from a young age. I hope the transition goes smoothly for you both.
I have a 26-month-old daughter. I put her in a Montessori preschool 3 days a week for 3 hours a day. She’s been going there since he was 22 months and she loves it! I think it actually depends on the school and each child is different. For the first month, she did cry when I left. Now, I drop her off very easily. Sometimes when I come to pick her up, she doesn’t want to leave. The Montessori approach is very calming which I think has a lot to do with my baby’s readiness.
I was really anxious about sending Lils and she was 3! But you know, it has been the BEST thing I could have done for her and I am so so glad I was brave and took the leap. He will be fine so put that mum guilt in a drawer somewhere xx
Argh that dreaded mum guilt gets you every which way! You send them you feel guilty, you don’t send them you feel guilty! Monkey went into childcare at 6 months three days a week. He’s never known any difference. Regardless of this I would have chosen to send him just like you are. In my opinion it’s do much better that they learn to be social with kids their own age before starting school. And it’s okay to want a life too! Wishing you all the best on your new adventures xx