It’s Sunday, which means that it is time for the #rememberingthesedays for photographs that capture the special moments in family life round up with myself and Clare from Mudpie Fridays . Sundays mean weekly round up time – whoop whoop!
This is the 39th week we’ve been running our little community and we continue to be blown away by the incredible images, the beautiful memories shared and the real community feel that is starting to develop. Instagram is my happy place, and I love that you all share these precious moments with us at #rememberingthesedays.
Though I did miss last week, not because it was Mother’s Day simply because I just ran out of time, it’s been one of those months it would seem.
We are now at over 30,000 tags – simply incredible!
We would love you all to keep joining in next week, we love seeing those precious family moments from the ordinary moments to the extraordinary, because let’s face it, when you have children even the ordinary moments become special. Simply tag any photos of your memories #rememberingthesedays for a chance to feature.
Every week when I look through the photos I look for a theme that jumps out at me. This week is all about faceless sibling captures, there is a mystery in faceless captures and some of my favourite photos of the boys are when they are running away from me.
I think this quote I found on @kayaindubai sums it up wonderfully:
“If a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow a child with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.”
Top Left – @fivelittledoves blogger at the incredible Five Little Doves
Top Right – @kayaindubai editor of the fabulous Sassy Mama Dubai
Bottom Left – @missbettyandme blogger at (newly discovered for me) Miss Betty and Me
Bottom Right – @jennihorsley
My little cherub
Though don’t let those curly blonde locks and angelic blue eyes fool you, this one is a complete monkey. I’m finding it hard at the minute to remember that he is often the cause of all the mischief as it’s his brother who gets in all the trouble.
Though, to be fair, they’re both good boys and their behaviour is improving daily now we’ve implemented a screen ban…
Twinning is Winning
I am a total sucker for twinning the boys – looks like Clare is too!! Now excuse me while I go searching for matching leggings for the boys as my eldest is desperate to get his hands on some…
We’d love to see your #rememberingthesedays photos, please do tag us over on Instagram.