“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Kahlil Gibran
This year I am taking part in Living Arrows, a weekly photography project taking photos of my boys week on week, last week was about our sick days, park life and school fairs.. This week is about selfies with Mummy, or the MELFIE!
A melfie is simply a selfie with mum in it – nice play on words hey?! To me they are important because I want to be in the pictures with the boys, I want them to look back and laugh at my hair, laugh at my glasses and know I was there too. And to just behind the camera.
That said I’ve not really taken any photos this last week, it’s just been one of those weeks. I can’t even blame it on being busy because I don’t really feel like we’ve been up to much just the standard head outside while the weather is cool enough, enjoy the park, battle soft play and eat ice cream.
Don’t get me wrong we’ve done stuff, but just the ordinary every day stuff that I should photograph but haven’t.
One of the biggest things this week is that we have implemented a screen ban, or at the very least a severe limit on the TV after temper tantrums galore. TV is now only allowed in the daytime, most definitely not before bed and as a rule, as a family. We set up the couch all cosy ready to make a cinema, pop the popcorn, cuddle up and watch a film. Together!
Which brings me nicely to my first melfie…
Melfie #1
Curled up while the little one napped watching Beauty and the Beast as he is busy learning about it at school.
Purely research purposes you understand?
Melfie #2
Is a little bit of a faceless melfie, all about Mummy and those curly blonde locks. If you’ve been reading for a while you’ll know that sleep deprivation is massive in our house. My two year old still doesn’t sleep.
But it’s OK.
And those sleepy cuddles I get? Pure magic.