8 Tips For Managing Your Company Blog

As an entrepreneur, you have a lot of tasks and to-dos on your plate on any given day. One of these responsibilities may be to…

5 Simple Ways to Keep the Children Happy During Lockdown

COVID-19, its quick spread and the attendant death toll has led to lockdowns in almost every part of the world. Families now stay home, keep…

Having the conversation: talking to your parents about future proofing their home

I was recently commissioned by Premier Care in Bathing to give my thoughts on future proofing your home for retirement by interviewing my mum who…

10 Tips To Improve The Bedtime Routine Of Your Child

Life with a miniature version of yourself can bring with it some of life’s more challenging events. From the classic toddler tantrum to understanding baffling…

The positive side of lockdown

The past nine months have taught me a lot about myself, with the main takeaway being that I am stronger than I give myself credit…

Six Years of Blogging

Six years ago, heavily pregnant with my second son, one of my friends set up a blog. I was intrigued, and did I mention heavily…

Four things I wish I’d have known before becoming an expat

Expat living, it’s definitely not for everyone. Moving away from your home country, where you have a base, a support network, know the language, the…