Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while may know that I am little obsessed with sleep. Or rather the lack of it, the Big One has episodes of not sleeping, the Baby is yet to sleep through the night.
And more than that, the Baby needs all the sleep crutches that you’re told not to give. Feeding. Cuddling. Rocking.
So I am fairly tired coping with both boys. And searching for anything that may just help.
So when I found Whisbear I thought I’d give it a go even if I was skeptical. Id tried white noise when the Big One was a baby and it did nothing.
Enter the Whisbear. Cute and sensory with brightly coloured arms which attach securely to the cot side with magnets. Crinkle ears and a face that just says I’m lovable I figured if it did nothing for sleep then it’s at least a lovely toy.
Setting up with 3AAA batteries I popped it on the cot and popped the Baby in too (after feeding to sleep of course) to see what would happen.
Pushing the on button set the white noise off for a set 40 minute period, during which he fell asleep while feeding and the transfer to the cot was completed while the bear was still playing the soothing shushing noises cue me running down the stairs to enjoy a hot cup if tea in what I thought would be the standard 30 minute nap.
Instead, I heard a cry, then a shuffle of baby, before the sensor on the Whisbear kicked in again for a further 20 minutes and I was left with one sleeping baby who did longer than the usual thirty minute nap. In fact he did a 2 hour nap and I went to wake him as we had lunch plans. OK. I thought he was a little bit poorly that day, maybe it was the bear, maybe he was sleeping off the stinking cold that clouded our Christmas.
Then the next day. Feeding to sleep as usual, when the Big One kicked off and I had to pop the Baby in the cot to go deal with him, suddenly everything was quiet. The Big One tantrum averted through the skilled use of the iPad and no protest from the Baby at being popped in the cot. Tiptoeing in I found this….
And it hasn’t stopped.
The Whisbear has worked miracles. So much so that I found space in the case to being it cruising with us. Where it’s been busy lulling us all to sleep in our (close quartered) cabin.
My only bugbear with the Whisbear, other than it doesn’t work every single time unfortunately, is that there is no off switch which means I’m running through batteries quite quickly.
Still, what’s a few batteries when there’s a sleeping baby at the end of it?
Whisbear is available here, at a price of £39.90.
Disclosure – I received a Whisbear for the purpose of this review. All opinions and words are my own. As are the none sleeping children.
where can I buy this whisbear from in Dubai??? need it badly.
I got mine from the whisbear site sent to my mum in the UK and she brought it out. I’m not sure if they do international shipping but it’s worth looking at shop n ship
I hope you have your Whisbear already – if not, please do get in touch via
This sounds good!! Does it sense the baby waking?
yes Fran id does.
Exactly how quick were u going thru batteries? Did u need to change fortnightly?
It got quieter and quieter then it was every 2-3 weeks with new ones.