#effitfriday 18th November 2016

Happy Friday everyone and you know what that means here on Life with Baby Kicks – #effitfriday the ultimate rant linky party is back for all things…

Week 18 #RememberingTheseDays

It’s Sunday, which means that it is time for the #rememberingthesedays for photographs that capture the special moments in family life round up with myself and Clare…

#effitfriday – 11th November 2016

Happy Friday everyone and what a massive week for world news!  But enough of that, it’s Friday which can mean but one thing here on Life…

I don’t pretend to understand politics 

I don’t pretend to understand politics but even I realise that today has been a big day in American politics.  More than that today has…

Week 17 #RememberingTheseDays

It’s Sunday, which means that it is time for the #rememberingthesedays for photographs that capture the special moments in family life round up with myself and Clare…

#effitfriday – 4th November 2016

So last week life carried away with me, but it’s Friday once more and I have picked the ball up.  Yes  Friday which can mean…

Why mums are so tired all the time

Being tired, it kind of goes hand in hand with being a parent right?  From newborn baby to non-sleeping 18 month olds.  From tantrumming terrible…