Week Eight #rememberingthesedays Round Up

Clare from Mudpie Fridays and I have launched our very own Instagram Community #rememberingthesedays for photographs that capture the special moments in family life.  Every Sunday we will be…

#effitfriday is back….

It’s Friday, and it is September, which can mean but one thing here on Life with Baby Kicks – #effitfriday the ultimate rant linky party is…

The power in blogging

When I first pressed publish back in January 2015, pregnant with the Baby, I had no idea of the impact that blogging would have on…

Creating an Exploding Volcano #DirtIsGood

Having headed home this summer, away from the heat, the sand and the dust, we were thrilled to get outside in my mums garden.  To…

The first days of our new life in Qatar

A week ago we boarded the plane in a grey and drizzly Manchester to head for our new life in Qatar.  Where it most definitely isn’t…

Week Seven #rememberingthesedays Round Up

Clare from Mudpie Fridays and I have launched our very own Instagram Community #rememberingthesedays for photographs that capture the special moments in family life.  Every Sunday we will be…

The Loneliness of Putting Yourself Out There as a Mum

Sunday saw us board a plane and begin our new life in Qatar, finding our feet and throwing ourselves in, despite the loneliness that can…