You can read what we got up to last month here.
I can’t believe that my baby is already 3 months old. Time is flying and it seems like only yesterday we brought our tiny baby home from the hospital to meet his very proud and excited big brother. Now he is a very respectable 3 months old with my big boy nearing 3 years old. And we are three months into being a family of four.
This month has been a bit of a funny one, we took part in the mass summer exodus from Dubai and have spent the last 3 and a half weeks hiding from the heat at my Mums in Derby. Didn’t manage that too well did we landing in the middle of a heatwave! So we’ve been without the Husband for a while and it’s not the same on Skype but more on that in a minute.
Baby Boy
Is a monster baby! Now completely chunked up I have no idea what he weighs but long gone is the scrawny baby. He is definitely bigger than the Toddler was at this age, already in 3-6 months clothes and filling them nicely. I think he’s going to be a bruiser whereas the Toddler is long and lean.
We are now getting lots and lots of smiles which is just gorgeous. It definitely makes up for the night feeding when he bestows you with one of his big gummy smiles but to be honest those smiles are reserved for his favourite person which is the Toddler. Complete sibling hero worship already!
Still being breastfed and still waking through the night but more of a pattern these days, I wasn’t expecting him to sleep through yet but a little part of me was sneakily hoping he would. Wishing for miracles I think. Though as we’ve been in the UK on our own and because he is my second I’ve embraced middle of the night co-sleeping, to the husband, sorry your side of the bed has been taken by our little man! To be honest, a few times this holiday I’ve had both boys in with me.
It doesn’t make for a restful night.
The Toddler Terror
We finished our last day at nursery and have broken up for the summer now, being home at Grandmas has been an exhausting trip we have packed so much in for the Toddler from Strawberry Picking to CBeebies to Thomas Land to National Forest Adventure Farm to the Zoo. It’s been hectic but exciting to do so much.
The toddler has had a ball at all of the places we’ve been, being reunited with his little partner in crime Miss S who recently repatriated back to UK from Dubai, meeting old friends, meeting family.
One of my favourite moments was when, at the family barbecue, the Toddler and our friends little boy performed a sneak attack on the donuts that were on the table. Carefully coordinating between them to manoeuvre the box to the floor, making a selection of the biggest, most chocolatey sprinkly donut EACH before silently slipping upstairs to hide in the shower to eat them. We didn’t find them until they’d almost finished but there was chocolate evidence everywhere….. a mini trail of chocolate finger smudges!
His speaking continues to improve day by day and you can have full blown conversations with him now, he’s very independent and stubborn (just like Daddy and not at all like Mummy honest…..) with his own ideas on what is what. Like the monkey story.
The Husband and I
Haven’t really seen each other! Kudos to anyone in a long distance relationship, it’s hard to only have Skype available to you though we are lucky in this day and age that we are able to Skype so we can see each other.
He came for a whistle stop tour to the UK for 5 days to break up the fact he wasn’t seeing us for nearly a month and we had a hectic few days up in Manchester with just the Baby Boy while Grandma had the Toddler, a crazy trip to the zoo, a walk to feed the ducks at Carsington Water with Aunty, a mini barbecue and then driving him back to the airport at 6am on the Sunday. Where he caught his connecting flight and then had a SIX hour delay, thanks British Airways I’m just glad I wasn’t travelling with him and the boys!
Other than that, it’s been a whirlwind, my mum’s been a fantastic help but it’s meant that all of the night’s and the early mornings have fallen on me. With the Toddler being a bit of a nightmare at bedtime because of British Summertime and the light evenings as well as falling out of bed, well I am just exhausted! Looking forward to going home and the weekend lie in system coming back into play next month!