After my measly four runs in September and my 7.51 miles completed I started off with the best intentions and goals for October.
The very, very best of intentions. There would be no excuses. There would be no skiving.
And here we are at the end of the month with a measly FOUR runs completed once again. An equivilant of once a week.
Yes we had visitors, but I went running then.
Yes we had a big day out, but I went running then.
What I didn’t factor in was the Toddler’s sleep going to pot, the Baby back on the nebulizer as his cold has settled on his chest making him wheeze and rattle, and Hand Foot and Mouth disease entering the house which has led all round to all of us being sick in different forms. My affliction? I’m pretty sure is an ear infection when I can get to the doctors to diagnose it.
Would you believe that having owned a Toddler for 3 years now and him attending a nursery from 17 months old this is the first time the dreaded virus has crossed the threshold. I’m sure it won’t be the last but what a vile and horrible virus to catch.
Miles Completed
The best thing I can say, and I’m seriously grasping at the silver lining here, is that over a similar number of minute ran I managed to cover an extra half a mile on last months. Proof that I am indeed running for longer stints each run.
5th October – 20m11s – 1.98miles
12th October – 21m01s – 2.05 miles
16th October – 20m04s – 1.99 miles
18th October – 20m01s – 2.02 miles
So as you can see round the middle of the month I was kind of on plan, I just need to keep up momentum.
Next Month
I really will keep up my aim of running twice a week as a minimum. I plan to schedule them in round my snazzy new dinner plan as I find that if it’s written down I am more likely to follow through.
I’m also going to sort out a playlist on the husbands iPod just for me, while we share some of the same cheesy music taste while running – Voulez Vous by ABBA as a prime example – he has all sorts of other random songs on there that I haven’t a clue about. And I need to SING when I run. And maybe do a head bob dance move. And hand gestures like a rapper….
Voulez Vous Aha – jazz hands
mumble mumble mumble Head wiggle
Voulez Vous Aha – little skip jump thing
dadadadadadadadadaback with the head wiggle, hands joining in
You get the picture.
I’ve also started running without my glasses on as the frames are stretched and I spend the whole time pushing them back up my face. It means running with limited sight but it’s better than nothing. I must look into contacts.
I’m hoping that next month I have a big month to tick off and show you. The weather is cooling down here so it’s getting easier to run at least.
You can find out how the other bloggers are getting on with their challenge over on Great North Mum.
The purpose behind #Miles4MAMA is to raise awareness and funds for a wonderful charity MAMA Academy, as I’ve mentioned before I am a MAMA Academy blogger and I am committed to reaching my #Miles4MAMA target.
You can simply sponsor a mile by texting MAMA00 £2 to 70070 or visit our fundraising page to make a donation which will make an enormous difference to our work.
£2 will fund a Wellbeing Wallet for a pregnant mum
£5 will help us provide trial batches of our wallets to hospital trusts for midwives to distribute for free
£10 will assist us in developing training resources for midwives, like MAMA Academy’s mini video providing guidance on measuring bumps more accurately
£20 will help Heidi and other members of the team attend events, meetings and conferences to enable us to take an active part in improving maternity services