The months are speeding by, no time ago I was busy writing our six month update, and here I am (late) with our month seven as a family of four update.
Seven months.
I’ve been a mum of two for seven months. And while it feels as though Baby Boy has just always been there in our family, it also feels like only yesterday he was born.
So without further ado, and a mere week late, our monthly family of four update:
The Toddler Terror
Is, apparently, not a Toddler anymore but a pre-schooler. My baby boy. A pre-schooler. Not sure when that happened…my Toddler is growing up before my eyes and I probably need to rename him on the blog. Which I will. When my sleep deprived brain thinks of something.
Sleep. I thought we would have definitely cracked it by the time that he was three except we haven’t. There are many reasons why the Toddler isn’t sleeping and I have to remember that he is still a baby and he does still need us. I met with Julie Mallon, a sleep consultant working with Babies and Beyond UAE, about why he isn’t sleeping and will be sharing some tips with you all as soon as I get round to writing them up. Being three isn’t grown up. Being three means a lot of changes, potty training, nursery, coming up to school. Being three means fears manifest, imaginations run wild. Scared of the dark. Scared of dreams. Just needing mummy and daddy cuddles.
Speaking of imagination, his imagination and playtime knows no bound. I hear him acting out scenes that he has seen on his favourite shows (I am particularly well versed with Raa Raa the Noisy Lion). His games with his friends have turned into just that, games. I watched him and Little Miss A playing in the garden, Little Miss A ran to the end of the garden and shouted for help, with the Toddler jumping on his scuttlebug shouting “TO THE RESCUE”

Toddler Sayings This Month
C’mon Mummy, come play on the glass
*grass (I don’t let him play on glass)
Let’s do some putting
*not Christmas but crisps
Scissors are SHARP
Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats – hooooa
It’s a little bit dangerous
*whenever he has done something naughty and we are telling him off*
And one of my favourites, completely unprompted
I love you too Mummy
Baby Boy
As predicted is on the move. Commando crawling baby….life as I know it is forever changed and onto baby proofing.
This is total unchartered territory for me, at this stage the Toddler wasn’t sitting up on his own let alone propelling himself around. His favourite thing to go after is the potty. Yep. The potty. Delightful.
We still have two little teeth…
Though I can see the top four teeth itching to make their way through, and his afternoon grizzles and night time wakings also suggest that they will be with us sooner rather than later.
Baby led weaning is still going well, with some actually going in his mouth as well as the floor.
Now the little one is on the move and more interactive you can really see the relationship between them blossoming. The giggles from the back of the car. The running to check on “my baby” if he cries. The sharing of food. Less so the sharing of toys. The absolute look of adoration between the boys. The kisses. The cuddles.
It is a joy to watch.
Myself and the Husband
Have had a fairly quiet month after a busy (and expensive) October!
Weekends have generally been family time and we headed to the PikNik brunch at the Westin one Saturday where face painting and circus tricks were enjoyed by all of us. And ice cream.
A cheeky date day down at McGettigans in JLT which reminds us of sitting in a pub garden in the UK, and we have the weather for it now.
Other than that it’s been work, parenting, more work. Running has taken a back seat, for both of us, I managed to stub my toe and bruise it badly which has been my excuse. Then on my one run of the month I actually fell over and limped home. The husband is running more, but unlike when he was busy marathon training he has no real routine or action plan so it feels a bit bitty.
Other than that I have but two words. Sleep deprivation.
These babies will sleep soon right??
Before I know it, we will be at our eight month update.
It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job! I just about cope with one toddler let alone two mini people love baby boys little one liners! So cute! #bestandworst x
Oh gosh you’ve just reminded me that I will have two walking boys sooner rather than later…..
They are little stunners. I marvel you with 2 Laura – we are thinking about it next year and the sleep is putting us off a bit! I do want 2 children though. The toddler’s speech is so cute as are the littlies teeth. I remember that phase. Feels likes ages ago! Hope your toe gets better, as does the sleep!!! Thanks for linking with #bestandworst and see you soon xx
Ahh thank you Sarah! I think they are gorgeous but I’m biased. The sleep threw me because the Toddler was sleeping like a champ when I got pregnant, 12 hours with a 2-3 hour nap. Then this year happened! It’s fun though I wouldn’t change it and I’m looking forward to seeing Gremlin Mk2 being announced!!xx
Such a cute photo of the two of them together. Hope the sleep tips help!