It’s Sunday, which means that it is time for the #rememberingthesedays for photographs that capture the special moments in family life round up with myself and Clare from Mudpie Fridays . Not only is it time for our weekly roundup of #RememberingTheseDays but this week I had the pleasure of sharing some top tips on how to grow your Instagram from Instagram Queen @tobyandroo where she gives advice on how how she grew from 0-50k Instagram followers in 12 months.
This is the 31st week we’ve been running our little community and we continue to be blown away by the incredible images, the beautiful memories shared and the real community feel that is starting to develop. Instagram is my happy place, and I love that you all share these precious moments with us at #rememberingthesedays.
We are so close to 20,000 photos in our community – it’s simply incredible!
We would love you all to keep joining in next week, we love seeing those precious family moments from the ordinary moments to the extraordinary, because let’s face it, when you have children even the ordinary moments become special. Simply tag any photos of your memories #rememberingthesedays for a chance to feature.
Every week when I look through the photos I look for a theme that jumps out at me. This week it’s all about the white, the minimalist look. I adore photos like this, mainly because my life is anything BUT pristine white!
Top Left – the face behind Dil&Gray
Top Right – @keepupwiththejonesfamily from Keep up with the Jones Family
Bottom Left – @littlepaperswan from Little Paper Swans
Bottom Right – @whiitelist from Whiitelist
Chocolatey Kisses
I love to bake. I get the boys in the kitchen as often as I can, even the 20 month old can manage a cornflake cake recipe. This week, while my biggest was off playing football, I took the little one to make some IKEA cupcakes with the theory that it was a pour water in and shake.
Instead it ended up all over the counter where he then proceeded to LICK it off, luckily not only did I manage to capture the cutest photo ever of him having his “oops” moment I also caught it on video!
Ice Ice Baby
I adore this photo of Monkey looking through a pane of ice – his hands must be frozen!
We’d love to see your #rememberingthesedays photos, please do tag us over on Instagram.