Can you believe that it is JULY already?! July?! This year is speeding by, and its been quite a year so far what with having a new baby and flying back to the UK. Among lots of other wonderful things which can be found on my previous bucket lists. I am enjoying about a 70% completion rate as it stands.
Anyway, as I said, flying back to the UK, well that is where I am now which means I completed the biggest task on my June Bucket List and made it on the flight!
June Bucket List Review
1. Survive the flight to the UK on my own with both boys.
Plane Selfie and if you wondered about 2 under 3 through customs on your own – DOUBLE BABYWEARING
I did it! I’m here in the UK and it looks like I brought the sunshine with me.
You can see the stages of How NOT To Travel With Children starting with The Preparation.
2. Plan a fantastic holiday for the 3 of us while we are in the UK
So far we’ve been Strawberry Picking, made a beautiful Eton Mess from the glut of strawberries we picked and I have plans involving jelly and yogurt. We have been over to Chatsworth House farm and adventure playground as well as introducing my newest boy to my oldest friend (not that she’s 100 or anything we’ve just been friends 21 years).

3. Exercising! Continue with the online Pilates and start the couch to 5k
Yeah. Moving on….
4. Move Baby Boy to his own room
And moving on again…. in my defence he got sick with Bronchiolitis and then we were sharing when I came back anyway.
5. Start cross stitching again
Hmmm blogging has taken the place of cross stitch.
6. Find some independent craft for the toddler
Now this I have done, I discovered a marvellous company called KenziBox in Dubai who have created a travel craft bag. Full review on this to follow but let me just say ITS ACE.
7. And again, I have to put this on here, keep growing with the Blog
Well this month saw me move to WordPress and my shiny new responsive blog – what do you think?
It also saw my HuffPost “11 Types of Mum You Meet at Baby Group” go kinda viral.
As well as the popular #effitfriday I have also launched a new Blogging Tips linky #blogstorm for those fantastic blog tip posts.
And so on to July…
July Bucket List
1. Catch up on all my blogmin and get ahead of the game
I have holidays planned and the husband flying over for 5 days, I want to get up to date with all things blog so that I can continue with my plan to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
2. Continue with the holiday plans
So far we have Cbeebies World, Twycross Zoo, National Adventure Farm, The Superworm Trail all planned out and I still have a good 2 and a half weeks to go!
3. Introduce Baby Boy to my whole extended family and friends
I am very excited about this, one problem you find when you are an expat to come home to the UK and have your holidays is that you are pulled in a thousand different directions trying to fit round everyone’s work schedule. To combat this my mum has organised a mass barbecue for everyone to say hi to Baby Boy (and the Toddler, can’t forget that cheeky monkey) at last count I think there were 26 people coming. I have my camera ready!
4. Have a reunion with my repatriated best Dubai friend Twenty First Century Mama
I am so excited for this, I anticipate a lot of talking, hugs and maybe some tears. On top of this I told the Toddler this, seeing as his little best friend happens to be my Dubai BFF’s daughter. It then took me an hour to calm him down he was that excited!
5. Travel to London to see The Gruffalo
EEEEEEEEK! The Toddlers forray into the West End! And we get to meet Baby Boys new Bezzie as I am catching up with some of our friends who had a baby not long after Baby Boy. My husband is jealous I get to go down to meet him and they don’t get chance to catch up.
6. Hit 2000 Twitter Followers, get some more of my posts ready for HuffPost and keep on growing!
There are a few brands that I’m in talks with to look at working with so watch this space, on top of that, I don’t exactly qualify but here is my sneaky entry to the Pink Lining Ambassador Search. Now I’ve been upfront and honest with them but some international flavour is always appreciated I’m sure #justsaying
7. Fly back to Dubai on my own with the boys
Fingers crossed they are as good on the way back as they were on the way out.
8. When we are back finally move Baby Boy out of the Moses Basket into his room
I don’t have any choice really as he will definitely be too big when we get back!
Yikes, you have one hell of a month coming up!
I hope you have a wonderful time, however long you have left in the UK and the little one moves into his room without too much fuss!
Have a great month! x
Wow I think the flight on your own is amazing, well done! Take over the world hey! I’m definitiely watching for tips on that one 😉 x
Thank you! Had to be done to escape the heat…. oh. Never mind hey!
Wow well done on the flight by yourself!! Sounds like a great July, especially the Gruffalo
Hasn’t July flown? Hope you had such an amazing trip looks like it was jam packed of fun stuff. We are off to the Adventure farm on Friday
So sorry for the late reply. Love the new layout. I love Wp!!
Ooh enjoy! The bricklaying is amazing there! X