It’s that time of year again, nominations are open, it’s the Oscars and the BAFTA’s of the blogging world. That’s right Blogging Awards season is in full swing with both the MAD Blog Awards and the BiB Awards opening simultaneously.
Last year my little corner of the internet was very, very new, so new that I didn’t even qualify to be nominated for the BiB’s. This year? This year my little corner of the internet is older, wiser and eligible.
It’s exciting to be eligible, but also terrifying. Do you put yourself forward? Do you go all Hilary on the blogosphere and canvas for votes? Or do you sit back and watch it all unfold?
Well, I am of the opinion if you don’t ask you don’t get. After all, just because these awards are MASSIVE amongst the parenting blogosphere it doesn’t mean everyone will know. I mean, how else will my mum know how to vote for me??
The MAD Blog Awards
From the excellent Tots100 team come the Mum And Dad Awards (get it? It took me a while, I blame the Baby for my chronic case of Baby Brain) last year saw over 350,000 votes and over 7,000 parenting blogs up for consideration. This year they are already off to a flying start with thousands of votes rolling in already – and I would love your vote in Best Baby Blog or indeed in any category you see fit.
To nominate you have to first select your “Blog of the Year” and then the categories will be open for you to nominate under a variety of categories; Food, Photography, Pregnancy, Baby, Pre-School, Travel, Craft, Thrifty, School Days, Lifestyle, Video and New Blog. I suppose I could fit in a variety but it was the Baby category that caught my eye.
Best Baby Blog
From first smiles to sleepless nights, UK parent bloggers are the place to go for advice, support and inspiration when you’re a parent to a new baby. This award category recognises our very favourite bloggers with babies under one.
My blog began when I was in my second trimester of pregnancy, it has seen the birth of the Baby, the battle through the sleepless nights, the guilt of having a second child, realisations on how I parent differently, honesty in how sometimes I’m tired being an attachment parent, a gritted teeth attempt at humour now I have to do nappy changes with a Baby on the move (and my poor rug has not recovered from poo-gate) and above all a realisation in the form of an open letter to the Baby that although my second baby may not have all the new shizzle the Big One did, but he gets so much more.
Besides, look at that face – he is super cute! If you did want to nominate us simply head to the nomination form and pop in our URL;
Brilliance in Blogging Awards
The Brilliance in Blogging, or more affectionately known, BiBs are the brainchild of BritMums with the awards ceremony taking place on the evening of iconic blogging conference BritMums Live (or as it is known as of 2016 #BML16).
Nominations once again take place across a variety of categories; Fresh Voice, Food, Inspire, Social Media, Writer, Photo, Video, Travel, Beauty & Fashion, Arts & Crafts, Family and Readers Choice.
Again, it was Family that caught my eye, with my blog being about the boys in my life, big and small.
These blogs share the laughter and tears of family life, telling stories that elicit a-ha’s and understanding from all of us. They are honest and open about the realities of family life and we love them for it.
Without my husband and my boys I wouldn’t have much to write about, they inspire me, they build me up, they are the lifeblood of my blog. From the invaluable support my husband gives me both breastfeeding and with the boys to his irritating habits. From the Big Ones sleeping problems to his various craft projects to dealing with the threenager years and temper tantrums to the times he makes me want to fall through the ground; Mummy is that a monkey springs to mind…. Then there is the Baby, the youngest member of our family; from the pregnancy scares he gave us to embarking on my second breastfeeding journey with him, from sleepless nights to nap refusals, from entering our family and changing the dynamic from a family of three to a family of four.

You can nominate here with the following information:
Blog Name: Life with Baby Kicks
Blog URL:
Twitter Name: @Laura_BabyKicks
Blog Email:
Reasons Why: Whyever you think!
Favourite Blog Post: You tell me, but I’ve listed a few of my favourites above
And My Nominees
Well it wouldn’t be a very good awards ceremony without other nominations now would it? I spent a lovely evening going through some of my very favourite blogs, re-reading old posts and thoroughly enjoying myself while the Husband was busy watching the Manchester Derby (Utd won – I think – he was happy any road.) So if you are looking for some fabulous bloggers to nominate here are just a small selection of my favourites.
Claire from Life, Love and Dirty Dishes never fails to either make me laugh or cry, her writing is so empathetic and real you can’t help but feel that a little bit of her soul has poured our from her fingertips into the keyboard. One of my favourites has been her response to the smug new mum on Facebook who didn’t understand why some of us were more slummy than yummy.
Prabs from Absolutely Prabulous for the giggles I’ve had – if you ever need to talk about sex with children Prabs will show you how to do it…..or not.
Aby from You Baby Me Mummy with her awe inspiring photographs both on the blog and her Instagram page as well as her amazing sense of giving back to the community.
Louise from Little Hearts Big Love and her inspiring journey sharing what it means to be a heart mummy.
Amy from Mr and Mrs T plus Three with her beautiful food imagery and recipes, that seem oh so attainable in your own kitchen. Plus the fact she isn’t afraid to share her mistakes.
Becky from Cuddle Fairy, I find it nearly impossible to believe that Cuddle Fairy is yet to turn one! I love that Becky is happy to share her social media success strategy with everyone and massive congratulations for hitting the 10k mark on Twitter this week.
Katy from What Katy Said for sharing beautiful images and ideas from her home and life with the girls and bump; my favourite was the Remerberlutions jar over resolutions.
Sian from Quite Frankly She Said, for having boys similar ages, going through the threenager years, being amazingly pro-breastfeeding and giving me confidence I needed to embrace my post-birth body.
Clare from Mudpie Fridays for being the crafty person I aspire to be, making wonderful play toys for Monkey and sharing them in a way that makes it both easy to follow and enjoyable to do.
Debbie from My Random Musings for throwing herself into the world of parenting bloggers without having children, for every supportive and thoughtful comment she’s made and for sharing her tips on how to make a success from your blog.
Katie from Mummy, Daddy, Me for producing the only videos I ever sit down to watch, how cute are Mads and LL in the Gender Reveal??
Cathy from Mummy Travels who makes my credit card wince every time I read her blog, and has led to me harping on (and on and on) to the Husband about visiting Lake Bled.
Hannah from Budding Smiles for writing so openly about pregnancy with a high needs baby whilst suffering from SPD but still looking as fantastic as ever as her 34 week bump photos show.
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OMG I am so flattered, loved what you wrote and your link to my erm, #epicfail hehe. Thanks very much Laura really delighted xx
Any time Amy – I loved the epic fail!!!
Thanks Laura. Right back attcha xxx
It’s so hard to choose isn’t it!!!
It was so difficult and then there are so many more bloggers I want to include!
Honestly I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have you support my blog and include me here. Hurry up and move here so I can meet you for a hug!! xxxx
I am totally looking forward to it! I’ll have to hug around bump as they will definitely be making themselves known by the time we get back 🙂 xx
Thank you so much for this Laura, it made my day to read your lovely words! Massively good luck in the awards too! xx
Thanks Katie – you too and with squishy baby boy coming soon!xx
I’m feeling a bit proud of myself for already nominating your for best baby blog on the weekend before even reading this! Thanks so much for the mention and the nomination. I didn’t think it was even possible amidst such crazy amazing company. I love being a blogger! Thanks so much! Fab post too.
Ahh Prabs – big high five and a massive mojito raised to you my lovely bloggy Tweeting bestie!x
Thank you so much for the nomination Laura 🙂 Good luck in both!
Thanks Debbie – and you 🙂
I am so flattered that you have included me in your post. Thank you so much xx
You’re photography inspires me daily Aby, it is so beautiful and I love that because of it I make sure to take more photos of my boys so THANK YOU!xx
Thank you so much for the mention Laura – very honoured to be amongst such great company too! Wishing you all the best of luck with the MADs and the BiBs x
Thanks Louise – I love your CHD awareness posts, they are so raw and honest. Each time they make me cry xx
Oh thank you so much for including me – and in a list of some truly fabulous blogs too. I can’t believe you didn’t qualify last year, it feels like I’ve been loving your blog for so much longer. And I do feel a tiny bit guilty for your credit card. A very very tiny but 😉
I wouldn’t feel too bad……Bled Bled Bled….eeep! I’m glad my harping has finally worked!
Good Luck lovely. I hope you get lots of nominations and some really excellent choices in there. I am still agonosing over who to nominate 🙂 #twinklytuesday
Thanks lovely – it is so hard isn’t it when there are so many wonderful bloggers out there!xx
A lovely line up here with some of my favourite blogs too, the awards are an exciting time of year, very best of luck to you, certainly a lovely post that will get you noticed. #TwinklyTuesday
Thank you Fiona – some of my absolute favourites here (of course) and there are so many new talented bloggers (and old ones I’m yet to discover)xx
We’ve voted for some of the same blogs too! It’s daunting isn’t it putting yourself forward. We did our campaign trail post this week too! Good luck! #twinklytuesday
I saw – and I loved your point, a toddler writing as well as you do, well you certainly have to be in with a chance with best writer 😉 Good luck as well 🙂 xx
Good luck everyone! 🙂
Thanks lovely lady (and to everyone else out there who wants a cheeky nomination!)x
I find it hard to believe that Cuddle Fairy is about to turn one too! Good luck! #twinklytuesday
Good luck everyone!! I know nothing about the awards, 11 months into blogging and I’m still fairly clueless, but I hope you all win!! #twinklytuesday
Aww thank you Laura for the mention I am really honoured :). You have picked some of my favourites as well. Good luck with your categories you have my vote 🙂 xx
Oh I couldn’t agree more on all of the above – very very deserving nominees indeed!! As are YOU TOO! x x
Ah yes, awards season. My votes are also made and I’ve spread them around a great array of mum and dad bloggers. Thanks for co-hosting #blogstorm
Best of luck to you in the awards Laura! Your blog is fab – full of good advice, funny stories & beautiful travel – what more could you want!? Thank you for the nomination & for the mention here, it means so much to me! #blogstorm x